Section: C Library Functions (3)
Updated: 10 May 1991
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im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, im_identity, im_identity_ushort, im_ismonotonic - create, display and process histograms or luts  


#include <vips/vips.h>

int im_histgr( in, out, bandno )
IMAGE *in, *out;
int bandno;

int im_histnD( in, out, bins )
IMAGE *in, *out;
int bins;

int im_histcum(hist, lut)
IMAGE *hist, *lut;

int im_histnorm(hist, lut)
IMAGE *hist, *lut;

int im_histeq(hist, lut)
IMAGE *hist, *lut;

int im_histspec(histin, histref, lut)
IMAGE *histin, *histref, *lut;

int im_identity(lut, bands)
IMAGE *lut;
int bands;

int im_identity_ushort(lut, bands, sz)
IMAGE *lut;
int bands;
int sz;

int im_ismonotonic( IMAGE *lut, int *out )



im_histgr(3) writes the histogram of image in to image out. If bandno is -1, then out will have the same number of bands as in, and each band of out will have the histogram of the corresponding band of in. Otherwise, bandno selects the band of the image for which the histogram will be found, numbering from zero.

Image in may be either FMTUCHAR or FMTUSHORT. If in is uchar, then out will have 256 elements, one for each possible pixel value. If in is ushort, then im_histgr(3) finds the maximum of in, and outputs a histogram with max + 1 elements.

For example, suppose you have an image from a 12-bit camera, where each pixel is in the range [0,4095]. Calling im_histgr(3) for this image will make a histogram with at most 4096 elements. If the histogram is smaller than this, then it means that the right hand end of the histogram was all zero, and has not been generated.

Also check im_histnD(3) below for another way to make histograms.

im_histnD(3) makes a n-dimensional histogram from an n-band image (1, 2 and 3 bands only). Because 3D histograms can get very large very quickly, the bins parameter sets the length of each dimension, that is, the number of bins the possible numeric range of the image is divided into.

Unsigned 8 and 16 bit images only.

Use im_histplot(3) to graph the histogram for visualisation. See the separate manpage.

im_histcum(3) forms a cumulative histogram.

im_histnorm(3) normalises a histogram. The maximum histogram value becomes equal to the number of pixels in the histogram. In effect, the histogram becomes 'square'. Each channel is normalised separately.

im_histeq(3) takes as input a histogram held by the IMAGE descriptor hist and creates an unsigned char look up table (held by the IMAGE descriptor lut) which when applied on the original image, (with histogram held by hist) histogram equalises it. Histogram equalisation is carried out for each band of hist individually.

im_histspec(3) creates a lut for transforming an image with histogram held by histin according to the pdf (probability density function) of a reference image with histogram held by histref. histin and histref should have the same number of bands.

im_identity(3) creates an look-up-table with Xsize=256, Ysize=1, Bands=bands, Bbits=BBBYTE, BandFmt=FMTUCHAR, Type=LUT, which is held by the IMAGE descriptor lut. The created image consist a bands linear (ramp) lut and is the basis for building look-up tables.

im_identity_ushort(3) creates an look-up-table with Xsize=sz, Ysize=1, Bands=bands, Bbits=BBSHORT, BandFmt=FMTUSHORT, Type=LUT, which is held by the IMAGE descriptor lut. The created image consist of a linear (ramp) lut and is the basis for building look-up tables.

im_ismonotonic(3) sets out to non-zero if the look-up table (or histogram) in lut is monotonic, that is, if it's slope is always >0.



All functions return 0 on success and -1 on error.  


im_hist(3), im_hsp(3), im_heq(3), im_maplut(3), im_tone_map(3), im_histplot(3).  


The National Gallery and Birkbeck College, 1991 - 1994.