
Section: Maintenance Commands (8)
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ntptime - read kernel time variables  




ntptime [ -chr ] [ -e est_error ] [ -f frequency ] [ -m max_error ] [ -o offset ] [ -s status ] [ -t time_constant]



This program is useful only with special kernels described in the A Kernel Model for Precision Timekeeping page. It reads and displays time-related kernel variables using the ntp_gettime() system call. A similar display can be obtained using the ntpdc program and kerninfo command.



Display the execution time of ntptime itself.
-e est_error
Specify estimated error, in microseconds.
-f frequency
Specify frequency offset, in parts per million.
Display help information.
-m max_error
Specify max possible errors, in microseconds.
-o offset
Specify clock offset, in microseconds.
Display Unix and NTP times in raw format.
-s status
Specify clock status. Better know what you are doing.
-t time_constant
Specify time constant, an integer in the range 0-10.



ntpd(8), ntpdate(8)

Primary source of documentation: /usr/share/doc/ntp-*

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