-f FORMAT-handler
metadata format (see "dmraid -l")
--type digit[digit...]
specify the raid level of the software RAID set.
0: raid0
1: raid1
5: raid5
01: raid01 (isw raid10)
--size: [digits[k|K|m|M|g|G][b|B]]
specify the size of the RAID set.The number is an integer followed by [kKmMgG] and/or [bB].
b: byte (default)
B: block (512 bytes)
K or K: on the base of 1024
m or M: on the base of 1024*1024
g or G: on the base of 1024*1024*1024
If this option is missing, it's set to the default value pre-configured by the vendor. Note that different vendors may apply different constraints on the granularity of the size or the minimal value.
--strip: [digits[k|K|m|M|g|G][b|B]]
specify the strip size of a RAID1, RAID5, and RAID10 RAID set (as above)
--disk: device-path[{,| }device-path...]
specify the array of the hard drives, e.g. /dev/sda.