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subscriptions.conf - subscriptions file for cups
The subscriptions.conf file defines the local subscriptions
that are active. It is normally located in the /etc/cups
directory and is generated automatically by the cupsd(8)
program when subscriptions are created, renewed, or cancelled.
Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line,
or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.
- <Subscription NNN> ... </Subscription>
Defines a subscription.
- Events name [ ... name ]
Specifies the events that are subscribed.
- ExpirationTime unix-time
Specifies the expiration time of a subscription as a UNIX time
value in seconds since January 1st, 1970.
- Interval seconds
Specifies the preferred time interval for event notifications in
- JobId job-id
Specifies the job ID associated with the subscription.
- LeaseDuration seconds
Specifies the number of seconds that the subscription is valid
for. If 0, the subscription does not expire.
- NextEventId number
Specifies the next notify-sequence-number to use for the
- NextSubscriptionId number
Specifies the next subscription-id to use.
- Owner username
Specifies the user that owns the subscription.
- PrinterName printername
Specifies the printer or class associated with the subscription.
- Recipient uri
Specifies the notify-recipient-uri value for push-type notifications.
- UserData hex-escaped-data
Specifies user data to be included in event notifications. This
is typically the "from" address in mailto: notifications.
classes.conf(5), cupsd(8), cupsd.conf(5),
mime.convs(5), mime.types(5), printers.conf(5)
Copyright 2007-2009 by Apple Inc.