
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (5)
Updated: 28 May 2009
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abrt.conf - configuration file for abrt  


abrt is a daemon that watches for application crashes. When a crash occurs, it collects the crash data and takes action according to its configuration. This manual page describes abrt's configuration file. The configuration file consists of sections, each section contains several items in the format "Option = Value". A description of each section follows:  


EnableOpenGPG = yes | no
When set to "yes", abrt will report crashes only in GPG signed packages. When set to "no", it will report crashes also in unsigned packages.
OpenGPGPublicKeys = filename , filename ...
These are the trusted GPG keys with which packages have to be signed for abrt to report them if "EnableOpenGPG = yes".
BlackList = packageName, packageName ...
abrt will ignore packages in this list and will not handle their crashes.
EnabledPlugins = plugin, plugin ...
abrt will only load plugins in this list.
Database = databasePlugin
This specifies which database plugin abrt uses to store metadata about the crash.
MaxCrashReportsSize = number
The maximum disk space (specified in megabytes) that abrt will use for all the crash dumps. Specify a value here to ensure that the crash dumps will not fill all available storage space.
ActionsAndReporters = plugin, plugin(parameters)
List of reporter and action plugins which will be run at crash time.

[ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ]

This section contains associations between analyzers and action or reporter plugins.
CCpp = plugin
abrt will use this plugin when a C/C++ program crashes. You can specify a plugin for specific program, for example
CCpp:bind = Mailx("[abrt] Bind crashed")
The Mailx plugin will run when bind crashes, instead of the plugin specified for all the C/C++ programs.
Kerneloops = plugin
This plugin will be used in the case of kernel crashes.

[ Cron ]

This section specifies tasks that will be run at some specified time. You can specify either a time of day in the format
hh:mm = plugin
or an interval
ss = plugin2
in this case, plugin2 will be run every ss seconds (this number can be greater than 60).  


abrt(8), abrt-plugins(7)  


Written by Zdeněk Přikryl <zprikryl@redhat.com> and Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc@redhat.com>. Manual page written by Daniel Novotný <dnovotny@redhat.com>.