
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QTextStream - Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice  


All the functions in this class are reentrant when Qt is built with thread support.</p>

#include <qtextstream.h>

Inherited by QTextIStream and QTextOStream.


Public Members

enum Encoding { Locale, Latin1, Unicode, UnicodeNetworkOrder, UnicodeReverse, RawUnicode, UnicodeUTF8 }

void setEncoding ( Encoding e )

void setCodec ( QTextCodec * codec )

QTextCodec * codec ()

QTextStream ()

QTextStream ( QIODevice * iod )

QTextStream ( QString * str, int filemode )

QTextStream ( QString & str, int filemode ) (obsolete)

QTextStream ( QByteArray a, int mode )

QTextStream ( FILE * fh, int mode )

virtual ~QTextStream ()

QIODevice * device () const

void setDevice ( QIODevice * iod )

void unsetDevice ()

bool atEnd () const

bool eof () const (obsolete)

QTextStream & operator>> ( QChar & c )

QTextStream & operator>> ( char & c )

QTextStream & operator>> ( signed short & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( unsigned short & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( signed int & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( unsigned int & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( signed long & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( unsigned long & i )

QTextStream & operator>> ( float & f )

QTextStream & operator>> ( double & f )

QTextStream & operator>> ( char * s )

QTextStream & operator>> ( QString & str )

QTextStream & operator>> ( QCString & str )

QTextStream & operator<< ( QChar c )

QTextStream & operator<< ( char c )

QTextStream & operator<< ( signed short i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( unsigned short i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( signed int i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( unsigned int i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( signed long i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( unsigned long i )

QTextStream & operator<< ( float f )

QTextStream & operator<< ( double f )

QTextStream & operator<< ( const char * s )

QTextStream & operator<< ( const QString & s )

QTextStream & operator<< ( const QCString & s )

QTextStream & operator<< ( void * ptr )

QTextStream & readRawBytes ( char * s, uint len )

QTextStream & writeRawBytes ( const char * s, uint len )

QString readLine ()

QString read ()

void skipWhiteSpace ()

int flags () const

int flags ( int f )

int setf ( int bits )

int setf ( int bits, int mask )

int unsetf ( int b