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Updated: 2 February 2007
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QStyleOption - Optional parameters for QStyle functions
#include <qstyle.h>
Public Members
enum StyleOptionDefault { Default }
QStyleOption ( StyleOptionDefault = Default )
QStyleOption ( int in1 )
QStyleOption ( int in1, int in2 )
QStyleOption ( int in1, int in2, int in3, int in4 )
QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m )
QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m, int in1 )
QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m, int in1, int in2 )
QStyleOption ( const QColor & c )
QStyleOption ( QTab * t )
QStyleOption ( QListViewItem * i )
QStyleOption ( QCheckListItem * i )
QStyleOption ( Qt::ArrowType a )
QStyleOption ( const QRect & r )
QStyleOption ( QWidget * w )
bool isDefault () const
int day () const
int lineWidth () const
int midLineWidth () const
int frameShape () const
int frameShadow () const
int headerSection () const
QMenuItem * menuItem () const
int maxIconWidth () const
int tabWidth () const
const QColor & color () const
QTab * tab () const
QCheckListItem * checkListItem () const
QListViewItem * listViewItem () const
Qt::ArrowType arrowType () const
QRect rect () const
QWidget * widget () const
The QStyleOption class specifies optional parameters for QStyle functions.
Some QStyle functions take an optional argument specifying extra information that is required for a paritical primitive or control. So that the QStyle class can be extended, QStyleOption is used to provide a variable-argument for these options.
The QStyleOption class has constructors for each type of optional argument, and this set of constructors may be extended in future Qt releases. There are also corresponding access functions that return the optional arguments: these too may be extended.
For each constructor, you should refer to the documentation of the QStyle functions to see the meaning of the arguments.
When calling QStyle functions from your own widgets, you must only pass the default QStyleOption or the argument that QStyle is documented to accept. For example, if the function expects QStyleOption(QMenuItem *, int), passing QStyleOption(QMenuItem *) leaves the optional integer argument uninitialized.
When subclassing QStyle, you must similarly only expect the default or documented arguments. The other arguments will have uninitialized values.
If you make your own QStyle subclasses and your own widgets, you can make a subclass of QStyleOption to pass additional arguments to your QStyle subclass. You will need to cast the "const QStyleOption&" argument to your subclass, so be sure your style has been called from your widget.
See also Widget Appearance and Style.
Member Type Documentation
This enum value can be passed as the optional argument to any QStyle function.
- QStyleOption::Default
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( StyleOptionDefault = Default )
The default option. This can always be passed as the optional argument to QStyle functions.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( int in1 )
Pass one integer, in1. For example, headerSection.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( int in1, int in2 )
Pass two integers, in1 and in2. For example, linewidth and midlinewidth.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( int in1, int in2, int in3, int in4 )
Pass four integers, in1, in2, in3 and in4.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m )
Pass a menu item, m.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m, int in1 )
Pass a menu item and an integer, m and in1.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QMenuItem * m, int in1, int in2 )
Pass a menu item and two integers, m, in1 and in2.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( const QColor & c )
Pass a color, c.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QTab * t )
Pass a QTab, t.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QListViewItem * i )
Pass a QListViewItem, i.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QCheckListItem * i )
Pass a QCheckListItem, i.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( Qt::ArrowType a )
Pass an Qt::ArrowType, a.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( const QRect & r )
Pass a QRect, r.
QStyleOption::QStyleOption ( QWidget * w )
Pass a QWidget, w.
Qt::ArrowType QStyleOption::arrowType () const
Returns an arrow type if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QCheckListItem * QStyleOption::checkListItem () const
Returns a check list item if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
const QColor & QStyleOption::color () const
Returns a color if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::day () const
Returns the index of the day in the month if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::frameShadow () const
Returns a QFrame::Shadow value if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::frameShape () const
Returns a QFrame::Shape value if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::headerSection () const
Returns the header section if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
bool QStyleOption::isDefault () const
Returns TRUE if the option was constructed with the default constructor; otherwise returns FALSE.
int QStyleOption::lineWidth () const
Returns the line width if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QListViewItem * QStyleOption::listViewItem () const
Returns a QListView item if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::maxIconWidth () const
Returns the maximum width of the menu item check area if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QMenuItem * QStyleOption::menuItem () const
Returns a menu item if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::midLineWidth () const
Returns the mid-line width if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QRect QStyleOption::rect () const
Returns a rectangle if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QTab * QStyleOption::tab () const
Returns a QTabBar tab if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
int QStyleOption::tabWidth () const
Returns the tab indent width if the appropriate constructor was called; otherwise the return value is undefined.
QWidget * QStyleOption::widget () const
Returns a pointer to a widget if the appropriate constructor was called;
otherwise the return value is undefined.
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