Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QListBoxText - List box items that display text
#include <qlistbox.h>
Inherits QListBoxItem.
Public Members
QListBoxText ( QListBox * listbox, const QString & text = QString::null )
QListBoxText ( const QString & text = QString::null )
QListBoxText ( QListBox * listbox, const QString & text, QListBoxItem * after )
~QListBoxText ()
virtual int height ( const QListBox * lb ) const
virtual int width ( const QListBox * lb ) const
Protected Members
virtual void paint ( QPainter * painter )
The QListBoxText class provides list box items that display text.
The text is drawn in the widget's current font. If you need several different fonts, you must implement your own subclass of QListBoxItem.
See also QListBox, QListBoxItem, and Advanced Widgets.
QListBoxText::QListBoxText ( QListBox * listbox, const QString & text = QString::null )
Constructs a list box item in list box listbox showing the text text.
QListBoxText::QListBoxText ( const QString & text = QString::null )
Constructs a list box item showing the text text.
QListBoxText::QListBoxText ( QListBox * listbox, const QString & text, QListBoxItem * after )
Constructs a list box item in list box listbox showing the text text. The item is inserted after the item after, or at the beginning if after is 0.
QListBoxText::~QListBoxText ()
Destroys the item.
int QListBoxText::height ( const QListBox * lb ) const [virtual]
Returns the height of a line of text in list box lb.
See also paint() and width().
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
void QListBoxText::paint ( QPainter * painter ) [virtual protected]
Draws the text using painter.
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
int QListBoxText::width ( const QListBox * lb ) const [virtual]
Returns the width of this line in list box lb.
See also paint() and height().
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
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