
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QFontInfo - General information about fonts  


#include <qfontinfo.h>


Public Members

QFontInfo ( const QFont & font )

QFontInfo ( const QFont & font, QFont::Script script )

QFontInfo ( const QFontInfo & fi )

~QFontInfo ()

QFontInfo & operator= ( const QFontInfo & fi )

QString family () const

int pixelSize () const

int pointSize () const

bool italic () const

int weight () const

bool bold () const

bool fixedPitch () const

QFont::StyleHint styleHint () const

bool rawMode () const

bool exactMatch () const


The QFontInfo class provides general information about fonts.

The QFontInfo class provides the same access functions as QFont, e.g. family(), pointSize(), italic(), weight(), fixedPitch(), styleHint() etc. But whilst the QFont access functions return the values that were set, a QFontInfo object returns the values that apply to the font that will actually be used to draw the text.

For example, when the program asks for a 25pt Courier font on a machine that has a non-scalable 24pt Courier font, QFont will (normally) use the 24pt Courier for rendering. In this case, QFont::pointSize() returns 25 and QFontInfo::pointSize() returns 24.

There are three ways to create a QFontInfo object. <ol type=1>

Calling the QFontInfo constructor with a QFont creates a font info object for a screen-compatible font, i.e. the font cannot be a printer font<sup>*</sup>. If the font is changed later, the font info object is not updated.
QWidget::fontInfo() returns the font info for a widget's font. This is equivalent to calling QFontInfo(widget->font()). If the widget's font is changed later, the font info object is not updated.
QPainter::fontInfo() returns the font info for a painter's current font. If the painter's font is changed later, the font info object is not updated.

<sup>*</sup> If you use a printer font the values returned may be inaccurate. Printer fonts are not always accessible so the nearest screen font is used if a printer font is supplied.

See also QFont, QFontMetrics, QFontDatabase, Graphics Classes, and Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes.  



QFontInfo::QFontInfo ( const QFont & font )

Constructs a font info object for font.

The font must be screen-compatible, i.e. a font you use when drawing text in widgets or pixmaps, not QPicture or QPrinter.

The font info object holds the information for the font that is passed in the constructor at the time it is created, and is not updated if the font's attributes are changed later.

Use QPainter::fontInfo() to get the font info when painting. This will give correct results also when painting on paint device that is not screen-compatible.  

QFontInfo::QFontInfo ( const QFont & font, QFont::Script script )

Constructs a font info object for font using the specified script.  

QFontInfo::QFontInfo ( const QFontInfo & fi )

Constructs a copy of fi.  

QFontInfo::~QFontInfo ()

Destroys the font info object.  

bool QFontInfo::bold () const

Returns TRUE if weight() would return a value greater than QFont::Normal; otherwise returns FALSE.

See also weight() and QFont::bold().

Example: qfd/fontdisplayer.cpp.  

bool QFontInfo::exactMatch () const

Returns TRUE if the matched window system font is exactly the same as the one specified by the font; otherwise returns FALSE.

See also QFont::exactMatch().  

QString QFontInfo::family () const

Returns the family name of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::family().


bool QFontInfo::fixedPitch () const

Returns the fixed pitch value of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::fixedPitch().  

bool QFontInfo::italic () const

Returns the italic value of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::italic().

Example: qfd/fontdisplayer.cpp.  

QFontInfo & QFontInfo::operator= ( const QFontInfo & fi )

Assigns the font info in fi.  

int QFontInfo::pixelSize () const

Returns the pixel size of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::pointSize().  

int QFontInfo::pointSize () const

Returns the point size of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::pointSize().


bool QFontInfo::rawMode () const

Returns TRUE if the font is a raw mode font; otherwise returns FALSE.

If it is a raw mode font, all other functions in QFontInfo will return the same values set in the QFont, regardless of the font actually used.

See also QFont::rawMode().  

QFont::StyleHint QFontInfo::styleHint () const

Returns the style of the matched window system font.

Currently only returns the style hint set in QFont.

See also QFont::styleHint() and QFont::StyleHint.  

int QFontInfo::weight () const

Returns the weight of the matched window system font.

See also QFont::weight() and bold().



http://doc.trolltech.com/qfontinfo.html http://www.trolltech.com/faq/tech.html  


Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, http://www.trolltech.com. See the license file included in the distribution for a complete license statement.  


Generated automatically from the source code.  


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