
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QApplication - Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings  


#include <qapplication.h>

Inherits QObject.


Public Members

QApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv )

QApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv, bool GUIenabled )

enum Type { Tty, GuiClient, GuiServer }

QApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv, Type type )

QApplication ( Display * dpy, HANDLE visual = 0, HANDLE colormap = 0 )

QApplication ( Display * dpy, int argc, char ** argv, HANDLE visual = 0, HANDLE colormap = 0 )

virtual ~QApplication ()

int argc () const

char ** argv () const

Type type () const

enum ColorSpec { NormalColor = 0, CustomColor = 1, ManyColor = 2 }

QWidget * mainWidget () const

virtual void setMainWidget ( QWidget * mainWidget )

virtual void polish ( QWidget * w )

QWidget * focusWidget () const

QWidget * activeWindow () const

int exec ()

void processEvents ()

void processEvents ( int maxtime )

void processOneEvent () (obsolete)

bool hasPendingEvents ()

int enter_loop () (obsolete)

void exit_loop () (obsolete)

int loopLevel () const (obsolete)

virtual bool notify ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * e )

void setDefaultCodec ( QTextCodec * codec ) (obsolete)

QTextCodec * defaultCodec () const (obsolete)

void installTranslator ( QTranslator * mf )

void removeTranslator ( QTranslator * mf )

enum Encoding { DefaultCodec, UnicodeUTF8 }

QString translate ( const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * comment = 0, Encoding encoding = DefaultCodec ) const

QString applicationDirPath ()

QString applicationFilePath ()

virtual bool macEventFilter ( EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef )

virtual bool winEventFilter ( MSG * )

virtual bool x11EventFilter ( XEvent * )

int x11ProcessEvent ( XEvent * event )

virtual bool qwsEventFilter ( QWSEvent * )

void qwsSetCustomColors ( QRgb * colorTable, int start, int numColors )

void winFocus ( QWidget * widget, bool gotFocus )

bool isSessionRestored () const

QString sessionId () const

QString sessionKey () const

virtual void commitData ( QSessionManager & sm )

virtual void saveState ( QSessionManager & sm )

void wakeUpGuiThread ()

void lock ()

void unlock ( bool wakeUpGui = TRUE )

bool locked ()

bool tryLock ()

Public Slots

void quit ()

void closeAllWindows ()

void aboutQt ()


void lastWindowClosed ()

void aboutToQuit ()

void guiThreadAwake ()

Static Public Members

QStyle & style ()

void setStyle ( QStyle * style )

QStyle * setStyle ( const QString & style )

int colorSpec ()

void setColorSpec ( int spec )

QCursor * overrideCursor ()

void setOverrideCursor ( const QCursor & cursor, bool replace = FALSE )

void restoreOverrideCursor ()

bool hasGlobalMouseTracking ()

void setGlobalMouseTracking ( bool enable )

QPalette palette ( const QWidget * w = 0 )

void setPalette ( const QPalette & palette, bool informWidgets = FALSE, const char * className = 0 )

QFont font ( const QWidget * w = 0 )

void setFont ( const QFont & font, bool informWidgets = FALSE, const char * className = 0 )

QFontMetrics fontMetrics ()

QWidgetList * allWidgets ()

QWidgetList * topLevelWidgets ()

QDesktopWidget * desktop ()

QWidget * activePopupWidget ()

QWidget * activeModalWidget ()

QClipboard * clipboard ()

QWidget * widgetAt ( int x, int y, bool child = FALSE )

QWidget * widgetAt ( const QPoint & pos, bool child = FALSE )

QEventLoop * eventLoop ()

void exit ( int retcode = 0 )

bool sendEvent ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )

void postEvent ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )

void sendPostedEvents ( QObject * receiver, int event_type )

void sendPostedEvents ()

void removePostedEvents ( QObject * receiver )

bool startingUp ()

bool closingDown ()

void flushX ()

void flush ()

void syncX ()

void beep ()

void setWinStyleHighlightColor ( const QColor & c ) (obsolete)

const QColor & winStyleHighlightColor () (obsolete)

void setDesktopSettingsAware ( bool on )

bool desktopSettingsAware ()

void setCursorFlashTime ( int msecs )

int cursorFlashTime ()

void setDoubleClickInterval ( int ms )

int doubleClickInterval ()

void setWheelScrollLines ( int n )

int wheelScrollLines ()

void setGlobalStrut ( const QSize & strut )

QSize globalStrut ()

void setLibraryPaths ( const QStringList & paths )

QStringList libraryPaths ()

void addLibraryPath ( const QString & path )

void removeLibraryPath ( const QString & path )

void setStartDragTime ( int ms )

int startDragTime ()

void setStartDragDistance ( int l )

int startDragDistance ()

void setReverseLayout ( bool b )

bool reverseLayout ()

int horizontalAlignment ( int align )

bool isEffectEnabled ( Qt::UIEffect effect )

void setEffectEnabled ( Qt::UIEffect effect, bool enable = TRUE )

QWSDecoration & qwsDecoration ()

void qwsSetDecoration ( QWSDecoration * d )


void qAddPostRoutine ( QtCleanUpFunction p )

const char * qVersion ()

bool qSysInfo ( int * wordSize, bool * bigEndian )

void qDebug ( const char * msg, ... )

void qWarning ( const char * msg, ... )

void qFatal ( const char * msg, ... )

void qSystemWarning