Section: C Library Functions (3)
Updated: 25 April 1991
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im_lrjoin, im_tbjoin - join two images into one  


#include <vips/vips.h>

int im_lrjoin( IMAGE *im1, IMAGE *im2, IMAGE *imout )

int im_tbjoin( IMAGE *im1, IMAGE *im2, IMAGE *imout )  


These functions join two image left-right or top-bottom. Both input images should have the same no of bands and the same BandFmt. Output has the same no of bands and BandFmt as input. Only the history of the first image is kept by the output image.

im_lrjoin() joins two images held by image descriptors im1 and im2 and writes the resultant byte image on the image descriptor imout. The number of the extracted channels are identical for all images. The Xsize of imout is the sum of the Xsizes of im1 and im2; the Ysize of imout is the min of the Ysizes of im1 and im2. When joining im1 is on the left side of imout and im2 is on the right side of imout.

im_tbjoin() joins two images held by image descriptors im1 and im2 and writes the resultant byte image on the image descriptor imout. The number of the extracted channels are identical for all images. The Xsize of imout is the min of the Xsizes of im1 and im2; the Ysize of imout is the sum of the Ysizes of im1 and im2. When joining im1 is on the top side of imout and im2 is on the bottom side of imout.



The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error.  


im_extract(3), im_lrmerge(3), im_insert(3)  


K. Martinez, N. Dessipris,  


K. Martinez and N. Dessipris - 25/04/1991