
Section: WFMath (3)
Updated: 28 Jul 2009
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WFMath::ZeroPrimitive - Utility class for providing zero primitives. This class will only work with simple structures such as Vector or Point which provide a m_elem structure. In order for it to access the m_elem structure it must be declared as a friend class of the class it will provide an instance of.



#include <zero.h>


Public Member Functions

ZeroPrimitive (int dim)
Ctor. An instance of Shape with zero values will be created at construction time.
const Shape & getShape () const
Gets the zeroed shape.  

Detailed Description


template<typename Shape> class WFMath::ZeroPrimitive< Shape >

Utility class for providing zero primitives. This class will only work with simple structures such as Vector or Point which provide a m_elem structure. In order for it to access the m_elem structure it must be declared as a friend class of the class it will provide an instance of.


Erik Hjortsberg <>


Constructor & Destructor Documentation


template<typename Shape> WFMath::ZeroPrimitive< Shape >::ZeroPrimitive (int dim) [inline]

Ctor. An instance of Shape with zero values will be created at construction time.


dim The dimensions of the shape.



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