
Section: WFMath (3)
Updated: 28 Jul 2009
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WFMath::Segment - A line segment embedded in dim dimensions.



#include <segment.h>


Public Member Functions

Segment ()
construct an uninitialized segment
Segment (const Point< dim > &p1, const Point< dim > &p2)
construct a segment with endpoints p1 and p2
Segment (const Segment &s)
construct a copy of a segment
const Point< dim > & endpoint (const int i) const
get one end of the segment
Point< dim > & endpoint (const int i)
get one end of the segment  

Detailed Description


template<const int dim> class WFMath::Segment< dim >

A line segment embedded in dim dimensions.

This class implements the full shape interface, as described in the fake class Shape.



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