
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QMetaProperty - Stores meta data about a property  


#include <qmetaobject.h>


Public Members

const char * type () const

const char * name () const

bool writable () const

bool isSetType () const

bool isEnumType () const

QStrList enumKeys () const

int keyToValue ( const char * key ) const

const char * valueToKey ( int value ) const

int keysToValue ( const QStrList & keys ) const

QStrList valueToKeys ( int value ) const

bool designable ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

bool scriptable ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

bool stored ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

bool reset ( QObject * o ) const


The QMetaProperty class stores meta data about a property.

Property meta data includes type(), name(), and whether a property is writable(), designable() and stored().

The functions isSetType(), isEnumType() and enumKeys() provide further information about a property's type. The conversion functions keyToValue(), valueToKey(), keysToValue() and valueToKeys() allow conversion between the integer representation of an enumeration or set value and its literal representation.

Actual property values are set and received through QObject's set and get functions. See QObject::setProperty() and QObject::property() for details.

You receive meta property data through an object's meta object. See QMetaObject::property() and QMetaObject::propertyNames() for details.

See also Object Model.  



bool QMetaProperty::designable ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

Returns TRUE if the property is designable for object o; otherwise returns FALSE.

If no object o is given, the function returns a static approximation.  

QStrList QMetaProperty::enumKeys () const

Returns the possible enumeration keys if this property is an enumeration type (or a set type).

See also isEnumType().  

bool QMetaProperty::isEnumType () const

Returns TRUE if the property's type is an enumeration value; otherwise returns FALSE.

See also isSetType() and enumKeys().  

bool QMetaProperty::isSetType () const

Returns TRUE if the property's type is an enumeration value that is used as set, i.e. if the enumeration values can be OR-ed together; otherwise returns FALSE. A set type is implicitly also an enum type.

See also isEnumType() and enumKeys().  

int QMetaProperty::keyToValue ( const char * key ) const

Converts the enumeration key key to its integer value.

For set types, use keysToValue().

See also valueToKey(), isSetType(), and keysToValue().  

int QMetaProperty::keysToValue ( const QStrList & keys ) const

Converts the list of keys keys to their combined (OR-ed) integer value.

See also isSetType() and valueToKey().  

const char * QMetaProperty::name () const

Returns the name of the property.  

bool QMetaProperty::reset ( QObject * o ) const

Tries to reset the property for object o with a reset method. On success, returns TRUE; otherwise returns FALSE.

Reset methods are optional, usually only a few properties support them.  

bool QMetaProperty::scriptable ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

Returns TRUE if the property is scriptable for object o; otherwise returns FALSE.

If no object o is given, the function returns a static approximation.  

bool QMetaProperty::stored ( QObject * o = 0 ) const

Returns TRUE if the property shall be stored for object o; otherwise returns FALSE.

If no object o is given, the function returns a static approximation.  

const char * QMetaProperty::type () const

Returns the type of the property.  

const char * QMetaProperty::valueToKey ( int value ) const

Converts the enumeration value value to its literal key.

For set types, use valueToKeys().

See also isSetType() and valueToKeys().  

QStrList QMetaProperty::valueToKeys ( int value ) const

Converts the set value value to a list of keys.

See also isSetType() and valueToKey().  

bool QMetaProperty::writable () const

Returns TRUE if the property is writable; otherwise returns FALSE.



http://doc.trolltech.com/qmetaproperty.html http://www.trolltech.com/faq/tech.html  


Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, http://www.trolltech.com. See the license file included in the distribution for a complete license statement.  


Generated automatically from the source code.  


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