Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3qt)
Updated: 2 February 2007
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QAxBase - Abstract class that provides an API to initalize and access a COM object
This class is part of the Qt ActiveQt Extension.
#include <qaxbase.h>
Inherited by QAxObject and QAxWidget.
Public Members
QAxBase ( IUnknown * iface = 0 )
virtual ~QAxBase ()
QString control () const
long queryInterface ( const QUuid & uuid, void ** iface ) const
QVariant dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )
QVariant dynamicCall ( const QCString & function, QValueList<QVariant> & vars )
QAxObject * querySubObject ( const QCString & name, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant ( ), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant ( ) )
PropertyBag propertyBag () const
void setPropertyBag ( const PropertyBag & bag )
QString generateDocumentation ()
virtual bool propertyWritable ( const char * prop ) const
virtual void setPropertyWritable ( const char * prop, bool ok )
bool isNull () const
QVariant asVariant () const
enum PropertyBag { }
virtual void clear ()
bool setControl ( const QString & )
void disableMetaObject ()
void disableClassInfo ()
void disableEventSink ()
void signal ( const QString & name, int argc, void * argv )
void propertyChanged ( const QString & name )
void exception ( int code, const QString & source, const QString & desc, const QString & help )
QString control - the name of the COM object wrapped by this QAxBase object
Protected Members
virtual bool initialize ( IUnknown ** ptr )
bool initializeRemote ( IUnknown ** ptr )
bool initializeLicensed ( IUnknown ** ptr )
bool initializeActive ( IUnknown ** ptr )
This class is defined in the Qt ActiveQt Extension, which can be found in the qt/extensions directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.
The QAxBase class is an abstract class that provides an API to initalize and access a COM object.
QAxBase is an abstract class that cannot be used directly, and is instantiated through the subclasses QAxObject and QAxWidget. This class provides the API to access the COM object directly through its IUnknown implementation. If the COM object implements the IDispatch interface, the properties and methods of that object become available as Qt properties and slots.
connect( buttonBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), webBrowser, SLOT(GoBack()) );
Properties exposed by th