use Encode;
Name Description -------------------------------------------------------- Encode::Alias Alias definitions to encodings Encode::Encoding Encode Implementation Base Class Encode::Supported List of Supported Encodings Encode::CN Simplified Chinese Encodings Encode::JP Japanese Encodings Encode::KR Korean Encodings Encode::TW Traditional Chinese Encodings --------------------------------------------------------
The repertoire of characters that Perl can represent is at least that defined by the Unicode Consortium. On most platforms the ordinal values of the characters (as returned by "ord(ch)") is the ``Unicode codepoint'' for the character (the exceptions are those platforms where the legacy encoding is some variant of EBCDIC rather than a super-set of ASCII - see perlebcdic).
Traditionally, computer data has been moved around in 8-bit chunks often called ``bytes''. These chunks are also known as ``octets'' in networking standards. Perl is widely used to manipulate data of many types - not only strings of characters representing human or computer languages but also ``binary'' data being the machine's representation of numbers, pixels in an image - or just about anything.
When Perl is processing ``binary data'', the programmer wants Perl to process ``sequences of bytes''. This is not a problem for Perl - as a byte has 256 possible values, it easily fits in Perl's much larger ``logical character''.
For example, to convert a string from Perl's internal format to iso-8859-1 (also known as Latin1),
$octets = encode("iso-8859-1", $string);
CAVEAT: When you run "$octets = encode("utf8", $string)", then $octets may not be equal to $string. Though they both contain the same data, the UTF8 flag for $octets is always off. When you encode anything, UTF8 flag of the result is always off, even when it contains completely valid utf8 string. See ``The UTF8 flag'' below.
If the $string is "undef" then "undef" is returned.
For example, to convert ISO-8859-1 data to a string in Perl's internal format:
$string = decode("iso-8859-1", $octets);
CAVEAT: When you run "$string = decode("utf8", $octets)", then $string may not be equal to $octets. Though they both contain the same data, the UTF8 flag for $string is on unless $octets entirely consists of ASCII data (or EBCDIC on EBCDIC machines). See ``The UTF8 flag'' below.
If the $string is "undef" then "undef" is returned.
This object is what actually does the actual (en|de)coding.
$utf8 = decode($name, $bytes);
is in fact
$utf8 = do{ $obj = find_encoding($name); croak qq(encoding "$name" not found) unless ref $obj; $obj->decode($bytes) };
with more error checking.
Therefore you can save time by reusing this object as follows;
my $enc = find_encoding("iso-8859-1"); while(<>){ my $utf8 = $enc->decode($_); # and do someting with $utf8; }
Besides "->decode" and "->encode", other methods are available as well. For instance, "-> name" returns the canonical name of the encoding object.
find_encoding("latin1")->name; # iso-8859-1
See Encode::Encoding for details.
from_to($octets, "iso-8859-1", "cp1250");
and to convert it back:
from_to($octets, "cp1250", "iso-8859-1");
Note that because the conversion happens in place, the data to be converted cannot be a string constant; it must be a scalar variable.
from_to() returns the length of the converted string in octets on success, undef on error.
CAVEAT: The following operations look the same but are not quite so;
from_to($data, "iso-8859-1", "utf8"); #1 $data = decode("iso-8859-1", $data); #2
Both #1 and #2 make $data consist of a completely valid UTF-8 string but only #2 turns UTF8 flag on. #1 is equivalent to
$data = encode("utf8", decode("iso-8859-1", $data));
See ``The UTF8 flag'' below.
Also note that
from_to($octets, $from, $to, $check);
is equivalent to
$octets = encode($to, decode($from, $octets), $check);
Yes, it does not respect the $check during decoding. It is deliberately done that way. If you need minute control, "decode" then "encode" as follows;
$octets = encode($to, decode($from, $octets, $check_from), $check_to);
use Encode; @list = Encode->encodings();
Returns a list of the canonical names of the available encodings that are loaded. To get a list of all available encodings including the ones that are not loaded yet, say
@all_encodings = Encode->encodings(":all");
Or you can give the name of a specific module.
@with_jp = Encode->encodings("Encode::JP");
When ``::'' is not in the name, ``Encode::'' is assumed.
@ebcdic = Encode->encodings("EBCDIC");
To find out in detail which encodings are supported by this package, see Encode::Supported.
use Encode; use Encode::Alias; define_alias(newName => ENCODING);
After that, newName can be used as an alias for ENCODING. ENCODING may be either the name of an encoding or an encoding object
But before you do so, make sure the alias is nonexistent with "resolve_alias()", which returns the canonical name thereof. i.e.
Encode::resolve_alias("latin1") eq "iso-8859-1" # true Encode::resolve_alias("iso-8859-12") # false; nonexistent Encode::resolve_alias($name) eq $name # true if $name is canonical
resolve_alias() does not need "use Encode::Alias"; it can be exported via "use Encode qw(resolve_alias)".
See Encode::Alias for details.
Therefore as of Encode version 2.21, a new method "mime_name()" is added.
use Encode; my $enc = find_encoding('UTF-8'); warn $enc->name; # utf-8-strict warn $enc->mime_name; # UTF-8
# via PerlIO open my $in, "<:encoding(shiftjis)", $infile or die; open my $out, ">:encoding(euc-jp)", $outfile or die; while(<$in>){ print $out $_; } # via from_to open my $in, "<", $infile or die; open my $out, ">", $outfile or die; while(<$in>){ from_to($_, "shiftjis", "euc-jp", 1); print $out $_; }
Unfortunately, it may be that encodings are PerlIO-savvy. You can check if your encoding is supported by PerlIO by calling the "perlio_ok" method.
Encode::perlio_ok("hz"); # False find_encoding("euc-cn")->perlio_ok; # True where PerlIO is available use Encode qw(perlio_ok); # exported upon request perlio_ok("euc-jp")
Fortunately, all encodings that come with Encode core are PerlIO-savvy except for hz and ISO-2022-kr. For gory details, see Encode::Encoding and Encode::PerlIO.
As of version 2.12 Encode supports coderef values for CHECK. See below.
Now here is the list of CHECK values available
my $buffer = ''; my $string = ''; while(read $fh, $buffer, 256, length($buffer)){ $string .= decode($encoding, $buffer, Encode::FB_QUIET); # $buffer now contains the unprocessed partial character }
When you decode, "\xHH" will be inserted for a malformed character, where HH is the hex representation of the octet that could not be decoded to utf8. And when you encode, "\x{HHHH}" will be inserted, where HHHH is the Unicode ID of the character that cannot be found in the character repertoire of the encoding.
HTML/XML character reference modes are about the same, in place of "\x{HHHH}", HTML uses "&#NNN;" where NNN is a decimal number and XML uses "&#xHHHH;" where HHHH is the hexadecimal number.
In Encode 2.10 or later, "LEAVE_SRC" is also implied.
As of Encode 2.12 CHECK can also be a code reference which takes the ord value of unmapped caharacter as an argument and returns a string that represents the fallback character. For instance,
$ascii = encode("ascii", $utf8, sub{ sprintf "<U+%04X>", shift });
Acts like FB_PERLQQ but <U+XXXX> is used instead of \x{XXXX}.
use Encode qw(define_encoding); define_encoding($object, 'canonicalName' [, alias...]);
canonicalName will be associated with $object. The object should provide the interface described in Encode::Encoding. If more than two arguments are provided then additional arguments are taken as aliases for $object.
See Encode::Encoding for more details.
Back when "Programming Perl, 3rd ed." was written, not even Perl 5.6.0 was born and many features documented in the book remained unimplemented for a long time. Perl 5.8 corrected this and the introduction of the UTF8 flag is one of them. You can think of this perl notion as of a byte-oriented mode (UTF8 flag off) and a character-oriented mode (UTF8 flag on).
Here is how Encode takes care of the UTF8 flag.
After "$utf8 = decode('foo', $octet);",
When $octet is... The UTF8 flag in $utf8 is --------------------------------------------- In ASCII only (or EBCDIC only) OFF In ISO-8859-1 ON In any other Encoding ON ---------------------------------------------
As you see, there is one exception, In ASCII. That way you can assume Goal #1. And with Encode Goal #2 is assumed but you still have to be careful in such cases mentioned in CAVEAT paragraphs.
This UTF8 flag is not visible in perl scripts, exactly for the same reason you cannot (or you don't have to) see if a scalar contains a string, integer, or floating point number. But you can still peek and poke these if you will. See the section below.
As of perl 5.8.1, utf8 also has utf8::is_utf8().
....We now view strings not as sequences of bytes, but as sequences of numbers in the range 0 .. 2**32-1 (or in the case of 64-bit computers, 0 .. 2**64-1) -- Programming Perl, 3rd ed.
That has been the perl's notion of UTF-8 but official UTF-8 is more strict; Its ranges is much narrower (0 .. 10FFFF), some sequences are not allowed (i.e. Those used in the surrogate pair, 0xFFFE, et al).
Now that is overruled by Larry Wall himself.
From: Larry Wall <> Date: December 04, 2004 11:51:58 JST To: Subject: Re: Make support the real UTF-8 Message-Id: <> On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 10:12:12PM +0000, Tim Bunce wrote: : I've no problem with 'utf8' being perl's unrestricted uft8 encoding, : but "UTF-8" is the name of the standard and should give the : corresponding behaviour. For what it's worth, that's how I've always kept them straight in my head. Also for what it's worth, Perl 6 will mostly default to strict but make it easy to switch back to lax. Larry
Do you copy? As of Perl 5.8.7, UTF-8 means strict, official UTF-8 while utf8 means liberal, lax, version thereof. And Encode version 2.10 or later thus groks the difference between "UTF-8" and C``utf8''.
encode("utf8", "\x{FFFF_FFFF}", 1); # okay encode("UTF-8", "\x{FFFF_FFFF}", 1); # croaks
"UTF-8" in Encode is actually a canonical name for "utf-8-strict". Yes, the hyphen between ``UTF'' and ``8'' is important. Without it Encode goes ``liberal''
find_encoding("UTF-8")->name # is 'utf-8-strict' find_encoding("utf-8")->name # ditto. names are case insensitive find_encoding("utf_8")->name # ditto. "_" are treated as "-" find_encoding("UTF8")->name # is 'utf8'.
The UTF8 flag is internally called UTF8, without a hyphen. It indicates whether a string is internally encoded as utf8, also without a hypen.
While Dan Kogai retains the copyright as a maintainer, the credit should go to all those involoved. See AUTHORS for those submitted codes.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.