
Section: C Library Functions (3)
Updated: 24 Jul 2009
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Atlas::Message::QueuedDecoder - Decoder that presents a queue of Atlas::Message::Element.



#include <QueuedDecoder.h>

Inherits Atlas::Message::DecoderBase.


Public Member Functions

size_t queueSize ()
Retrieve the current size of the message queue.
const MapType popMessage ()
Pop an object from the front of the message queue.
const MapType frontMessage ()
Peek at the object at the front of the queue.
void clearQueue ()
Clear the message queue.  

Protected Member Functions

void messageArrived (const MapType &obj)
This adds a message to the queue.  

Detailed Description

Decoder that presents a queue of Atlas::Message::Element.

This message decoder puts arrived objects into a queue and allows the application to pop them off the front of the queue, peek at the front of the queue, as well as checking to see how many objects are currently in the queue.

See also:




Stefanus Du Toit <>



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