#include <mqueue.h> mqd_t mq_notify(mqd_t mqdes, const struct sigevent *notification);
The notification argument is a pointer to a sigevent structure that is defined something like the following:
union sigval { /* Data passed with notification */ int sival_int; /* Integer value */ void *sival_ptr; /* Pointer value */ }; struct sigevent { int sigev_notify; /* Notification method */ int sigev_signo; /* Notification signal */ union sigval sigev_value; /* Data passed with notification */ void (*sigev_notify_function) (union sigval); /* Function for thread notification */ void *sigev_notify_attributes; /* Thread function attributes */ };
If notification is a non-NULL pointer, then mq_notify() registers the calling process to receive message notification. The sigev_notify field of the sigevent to which notification points specifies how notification is to be performed. This field has one of the following values:
Only one process can be registered to receive notification from a message queue.
If notification is NULL, and the calling process is currently registered to receive notifications for this message queue, then the registration is removed; another process can then register to receive a message notification for this queue.
Message notification only occurs when a new message arrives and the queue was previously empty. If the queue was not empty at the time mq_notify() was called, then a notification will only occur after the queue is emptied and a new message arrives.
If another process or thread is waiting to read a message from an empty queue using mq_receive(3), then any message notification registration is ignored: the message is delivered to the process or thread calling mq_receive(3), and the message notification registration remains in effect.
Notification occurs once: after a notification is delivered, the notification registration is removed, and another process can register for message notification. If the notified process wishes to receive the next notification, it can use mq_notify() to request a further notification. This should be done before emptying all unread messages from the queue. (Placing the queue in non-blocking mode is useful for emptying the queue of messages without blocking once it is empty.)
POSIX.1-2008 says that an implementation may generate an EINVAL error if notification is NULL, and the caller is not currently registered to receive notifications for the queue mqdes.
#include <pthread.h> #include <mqueue.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #define handle_error(msg) \ do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0) static void /* Thread start function */ tfunc(union sigval sv) { struct mq_attr attr; ssize_t nr; void *buf; mqd_t mqdes = *((mqd_t *) sv.sival_ptr); /* Determine max. msg size; allocate buffer to receive msg */ if (mq_getattr(mqdes, &attr) == -1) handle_error("mq_getattr"); buf = malloc(attr.mq_msgsize); if (buf == NULL) handle_error("malloc"); nr = mq_receive(mqdes, buf, attr.mq_msgsize, NULL); if (nr == -1) handle_error("mq_receive"); printf("Read %ld bytes from MQ\n", (long) nr); free(buf); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* Terminate the process */ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mqd_t mqdes; struct sigevent not; assert(argc == 2); mqdes = mq_open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); if (mqdes == (mqd_t) -1) handle_error("mq_open"); not.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; not.sigev_notify_function = tfunc; not.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL; not.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &mqdes; /* Arg. to thread func. */ if (mq_notify(mqdes, ¬) == -1) handle_error("mq_notify"); pause(); /* Process will be terminated by thread function */ }