
Section: User Commands (1)
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magnifier - GNOME Magnifier (gnome-mag)  


magnifier [-vhmif?] [-t|--target-display STRING] [-s|--source-display STRING] [--cursor-set=STRING] [--cursor-size=INT] [--cursor-scale-factor=FLOAT] [--cursor-color=LONG] [-v|--vertical] [-h|--horizontal] [-m|--mouse-follow] [-r|--refresh-time INT] [--mouse-latency=INT] [-z|--zoom-factor FLOAT] [-i|--invert-image] [--no-initial-region] [--timing-iterations=INT] [--timing-output] [--timing-pan-rate=INT] [--timing-delta-x=INT] [--timing-delta-y=INT] [--smoothing-type=STRING] [-f|--fullscreen] [--smooth-scrolling] [-b|--border-size INT] [-c|--border-color LONG] [--use-test-pattern] [--override-redirect] [--ignore-damage] [-?|--help] [--usage]  


The GNOME magnifier (gnome-mag) provides a command-line interface for standalone use, although its primary goal is to provide a set of magnification services for use by other client applications and assistive technologies, like Gnopernicus, Orca or LSR. This magnifier is compatible with operating systems using X Window System, although the magnifier will have a better performance and functionality when the Damage and Fixes extensions are present.  


A desktop screen magnifier. If present, the Region Of Interest (ROI) for the magnifier can be driven by a screen reader via the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (ATSPI); otherwise, the magnifier will be centered to the pointer position.  


-t, --target-display=STRING
specify display on which to show magnified view
-s, --source-display=STRING
specify display to magnify
cursor set to use in target display
cursor size to use (overrides cursor-scale-factor)
cursor scale factor
cursor color (applied to 'black' pixels
-v, -vertical
split screen vertically (if target display = source display)
-h, --horizontal
split screen horizontally (if target display = source display)
-m, --mouse-follow
track mouse movements
-r, --refresh-time=INT
minimum refresh time for idle, in ms
maximum mouse latency time, in ms
-z, --zoom-factor=FLOAT
zoom (scale) factor used to magnify source display
-i, --invert-image
invert the image colormap
don't create an initial zoom region
iterations to run timing benchmark test (0=continuous)
display performance ouput
timing pan rate in lines per frame
pixels to pan in x-dimension each frame in timing update test
pixels to pan in y-dimension each frame in timing update test
image smoothing algorithm to apply (bilinear-interpolation | none)
-f, \--fullscreen
fullscreen magnification, covers entire target display [REQUIRES --source-display and --target-display]
use smooth scrolling
-b, --border-size=INT
width of border
-c, --border-color=LONG
border color specified as (A)RGB 23-bit value, Alpha-MSB
use test pattern as source
make the magnifier window totally unmanaged by the window manager
ignore the X server DAMAGE extension, if present
-?, --help
command line help
command line synopsis






Erwann Chenede <>
Bill Haneman <>


Licensed under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) v2.1  


gnopernicus(1), orca(1), lsr(1), Bonobo, Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (AT-SPI)